
Showing posts from February, 2020

Day 15 Shalom even when the circumstances seem impossible

          I find that when I am really worried about something I try to think of every possible scenario that could play out in regards to a particular situation. I spend a lot time wondering about the what if's. I use words like always and never, even though I know deep down that most of the times these words are not helpful. I talk a situation to death where it is all I want to talk about because if I am honest is taking up a good majority of my thoughts. I pray for peace but then I walk the floors with worry. I have been learning that this is not the way that I want to live. I want to leave my worries and concerns at the feet of Jesus. I want chose his peace and wear it like a garment. I want to remember that my God can do the impossible, and that with Him anything is possible. This is where I find shalom.

Day 14 Finding Shalom in Remembering

Luke 22:19 19  And when He had taken bread and given thanks, He broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” One of the ways that I believe that God wants me to find true shalom is by remembering Him. This is the reason that this blog is named tales of a thankful mom, if I do not make a point to be thankful, than I will far too often become discontent. It is in the remembering and counting of the many things that I have to be thankful for that I turn my attention from the blessings and gifts that God has given to the Giver. God is my Creator, my Lord, my Savior, my Strength and my Peace. He is King of Heaven and Lord of my life. May I always take time to remember God for who He is and for all that He has done for me.

Day 13 God knows the exact number of hairs on my head

The truth that God knows the very number of hairs on my head is such a comfort to me. God knows me better than I know myself, and He loves me anyway. This truth has been so perspective shifting to me. I want to be known and understood, but I don't really have to worry that others know and understand me because I am fully known and understood by God. Galatians 1:10 10 Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God ? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ. I want to be a servant of Christ. I can find peace in my relationship with Him. I don't need to be hyper focused on what others think about me. I used to try to guess what people were thinking. It was skill I thought that I needed to maintain peace in my toxic marriage. I have learned that it is not my job to know what others are thinking. Instead I can be curious about what they are thinking and create a safe place for others to s...

Day 12 When Life Takes You By Surprise (Resting in Shalom)

       A truth that comforts me on hard days is that God is in control. Many times when my day does not go as planned, I remember that nothing comes as a surprise to God. I am thankful that God holds all things together. I don't have to feel the pressure of holding all things together. God's got this. I can find rest and peace in God even when life takes me by surprise. I am thankful that God is the God of all my days. 

Day 11 Being Mindful of What I Ponder

          I need to be selective of what I chose to ponder. My thoughts affect my attitude, my words and my decisions. I need to be careful of what I think about.  This reminds me of 2 Corinthians 10:5 " Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One)," Are my thoughts pleasing to Christ? Am I holding my thoughts up to the truth of God's word and determining if they are true, peaceful and admirable/ I am also reminded of this scripture, Phillipians 4:8.   Finally, [ a ] believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, i...

Day 10 Experiencing Shalom

Psalm 29:11 The LORD will give strength to His people; The LORD will bless His people with peace.           My strength and peace come from God. He is the only source for true strength and true peace, but I too often forget and try to find strength in peace in other counterfiet ways. I want a quick fix. I want to distract myself. I want to pretend that I feel peace when I don't. I want pretend that I have it all together, or that I have it all figured out when I don't. Then, I wonder why I am not feeling peaceful. It is because I am looking for peace in the wrong places. Peace is found in surrendering to God. Peace is found in reminding myself that I am God's child. This is the only way to find true shalom to find shalom in God's presence.           

Day 9 Finding Shalom through learning (Book Review Daring to Live by Sheri Hunter)

          One of the things that I love most about blogging is the opportunity to share my thoughts about the books that I have been given the opportunity to read. My newest favorite book is entitled Daring to Live   by Shari Hunter. Shari takes us on a journey around the world with three of her best friends who call themselves The Dare Divas. This memoir tells us how the camaraderie and sisterhood of the friendship with these women changed her life. I laughed and cried while reading this book. I love that the book invites every reader to live a bold and daring life by doing what God calls us to do. Shari shares with us that a good friend will cause us to remember God's faithfulness even in the midst of the hardest and saddest times in our lives. I love the mantra that she preached to herself, "Girl, you can cry, but you gotta keep moving." I was encouraged that she even discussed the messy side of friendships of how to seek reconciliation when one of your...

Day 8 Shalom in exploration

          As I embraced shalom, I have found freedom to explore who I am. If I am not so worried about what other people think, than I feel more free to try new things, without fear of failure. After all success many times comes after trial and error. I want to be less focused on having an exact plan, and allow a little more spontaneity and wonder in my life.   If I am afraid to fail, I am afraid to try. I need to take that brave first step, There is this quote by Eric Hanson "What if i fall? Oh but darling, what if you fly?" I want to focus more on flying instead of constantly being afraid of making a mistake. I love that my children enjoy trying new things. I want my children to see me trying new things. I want to have the wonder and adventurous spirit of a child.

Day 7 God is enough for me

     True Shalom is remembering that God is enough. It is remembering that true peace is found in the person of Jesus Christ. I used to live in the land of " if only." I want to live a life of contentment remembering that God loves me and that He is in control. This is true on days that are full of joy and peace. This is also true on days that are hard and sad. True shalom is surrendering my will and my plans to God. It is Well

Day 6 Embracing Shalom in Community

           I spent a couple of years feeling very isolated. I craved community, but I felt like I stood on the outside looking in. In my relationships, I have learned that being the kind of friend that I wish that I had greatly blesses my relationships. I used to feel awkward emailing or texting a friend just to say, "Hi!" I now know that a "How are you doing really?" message may brighten someones day. Embracing shalom in my community also means being willing to listen to other peoples stories, including the ones that are very different than my own. I want to empathize and seek to share words of life, hope and peace with friends, loved ones, and anyone that I may interact with in my daily life.          

Day 5 Counting Every Blessing

Psalm 34:1-3 I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. 2  My soul makes its boast in the Lord ; The humble and downtrodden will hear it and rejoice. 3  O [ a ] magnify the Lord with me, And let us lift up His name together            One of the ways that I find Shalom is by remembering to count my blessings. I have found that if I do not slow down and count my blessings I will forget about the many ways that God has blessed me. I need to stop and thank God for the many things for which I am thankful. Counting my blessings is a way that I can remind myself where I find peace. Peace is found in Jesus my Savior. I will now list a few of the many things that I am thankful for this week. I am thankful that my children and I enjoyed a fun event at their school.  I am grateful that my son got to see Monster Trucks with his Grandpa and Uncle. He was the most excited that I have ever seen him. I am t...

Day 4 Choosing to make peace

          About six months ago, someone who had deeply hurt me wrote me a letter apologizing to me. I wrote them back thanking them for writing me, and telling them that I was proud of them for the steps that they were taking to make amends and turn their life around. At that time, I stopped short of saying the healing words that I forgive you, or that it was okay. It still didn't feel okay to me. I thought that forgiveness would mean that it no longer hurt. I recently wrote this person, and told him that I accepted his apology and that I forgave him. Forgiveness is a choice. The decision to make peace with a person is a choice. Choosing to make peace with this person has given me freedom. I am not carrying the weight of my past around any more. Any time that a sad or scary memory comes to mind I can feel the emotion of that memory and then turn it back over to God. Through the act of making peace, I can leave my past in the past, and be fully in the moment with...

Day 3 Finding Joy in Shalom

          I remember the day that my daughter said something funny a couple of years ago, and I laughed, a great big belly laugh kind of laugh. My children laughed at me because I was laughing so hard at my daughters joke. I hadn't laughed like that in a long time. Right then and there, I decided to try to lighten up, and find opportunities to laugh more often with my children. I have found that in seeking shalom in my everyday life, that if I am truly at peace with God and others, that I don't take things too seriously, and the laughter comes more easily.  I want to be a fun mom, and unfortunately I don't think that my kids would always characterize me as fun. Even more than that, I want to be a joyful mom. I want my children to know that I enjoy spending time with them, and that just being with them brings me so much joy. What are some things that bring you joy? Please share about them in the comments.        

Day 2 Pursuing Shalom Takes Intention

          I remember as a young mom trying to read my Bible and pray before my children woke up. I would leave my bedroom after my quiet time feeling good and ready to start my day with my children. It wasn't long though before my two oldest children were arguing with each other and my baby was crying. I would feel bad, and I would be perplexed that I had felt so peaceful ten minutes before. I wondered, what happened? What went wrong? What could I have done differently? In the years since then I have learned that it takes intentionality to pursue shalom. Isaiah 26:3 states, " You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. " To succeed in intentionally pursuing peace, I need to fix my eyes on Jesus. I need to remember that He is with me. I need to trust in His goodness. I need to ask Him to help me, to lead me, and give me wisdom. What do you do to intentionally pursue peace in your life?

Day 1 Beginning the journey of pursuing Shalom

          Before I begin to pursue Shalom in my everyday life, I need to understand what Shalom is. I found a great definition of the word Shalom on the Precepts Austin blog. Shalom means completion or fulfillment. It means wholeness, unity, and reconciliation. As the year 2019 came to a close, I knew that I needed shalom, and not just for me but for my children and extended family. There is only one place to find true shalom, and that is in Jesus. I have found that in the month of January that I have to chose each day to chose shalom. Choosing shalom is surrendering my emotions to God and running to Him when I am sad, fearful, lonely, or angry. Choosing shalom is remembering that God is in control and with me no matter what circumstances I face or emotions I may feel. In trusting that God is in control, I can find rest in God's sovereignty and His love for me and embrace shalom. You can learn more about what Precepts Austin has to say about the concept of...