Day 14 Finding Shalom in Remembering

Luke 22:19

19 And when He had taken bread and given thanks, He broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.”

One of the ways that I believe that God wants me to find true shalom is by remembering Him. This is the reason that this blog is named tales of a thankful mom, if I do not make a point to be thankful, than I will far too often become discontent. It is in the remembering and counting of the many things that I have to be thankful for that I turn my attention from the blessings and gifts that God has given to the Giver. God is my Creator, my Lord, my Savior, my Strength and my Peace. He is King of Heaven and Lord of my life. May I always take time to remember God for who He is and for all that He has done for me.


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