Day 5 Counting Every Blessing

Psalm 34:1-3

I will bless the Lord at all times;
His praise shall continually be in my mouth.

My soul makes its boast in the Lord;
The humble and downtrodden will hear it and rejoice.

O [a]magnify the Lord with me,
And let us lift up His name together

           One of the ways that I find Shalom is by remembering to count my blessings. I have found that if I do not slow down and count my blessings I will forget about the many ways that God has blessed me. I need to stop and thank God for the many things for which I am thankful. Counting my blessings is a way that I can remind myself where I find peace. Peace is found in Jesus my Savior. I will now list a few of the many things that I am thankful for this week.

I am thankful that my children and I enjoyed a fun event at their school. 

I am grateful that my son got to see Monster Trucks with his Grandpa and Uncle. He was the most excited that I have ever seen him.

I am thankful for a little one on one time with both of my daughters on two separate occasions this week.

I am grateful for God's provision for me and my family.

I am thankful for a new devotional that I am reading with my oldest daughter.

I am thankful for answered prayers. Sometimes the way God answers prayers amaze me. His ways are higher than my ways.

What are you thankful for this week?



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