" It is the comparison that makes you proud: the pleasure of being above the rest. Once the element of competition is gone, pride is gone." -C. S. Lewis This is my favorite quote by C. S. Lewis. I was reading Mere Christianity about a year ago, and these words leaped off the page and made an imprint on my mind and heart. As some of you may know, I am a single mom. My children's father has parenting time during school vacations. On these vacations he takes them to theme parks, lets them stay up as late as they want and basically is a very fun Dad. I sometimes wish that I could be the fun "theme park parent." I am the parent that needs to enforce bed times, helps them with homework and reminds them to be kind to each other. I can't afford to take them to a theme park. C. S. Lewis' words remind me that when I am comparing myself to my ex-husband, I have lost focus on what really is important. Co-parenting is not a competition. My pride is not h...
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