Day 9 Finding Shalom through learning (Book Review Daring to Live by Sheri Hunter)

          One of the things that I love most about blogging is the opportunity to share my thoughts about the books that I have been given the opportunity to read. My newest favorite book is entitled Daring to Live  by Shari Hunter. Shari takes us on a journey around the world with three of her best friends who call themselves The Dare Divas. This memoir tells us how the camaraderie and sisterhood of the friendship with these women changed her life. I laughed and cried while reading this book. I love that the book invites every reader to live a bold and daring life by doing what God calls us to do. Shari shares with us that a good friend will cause us to remember God's faithfulness even in the midst of the hardest and saddest times in our lives. I love the mantra that she preached to herself, "Girl, you can cry, but you gotta keep moving." I was encouraged that she even discussed the messy side of friendships of how to seek reconciliation when one of your dearest friends hurts you. I am thankful that this important topic was a part of this story. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and I would recommend Daring to Live to any woman who wants to read an inspiring read about how God can use friendships to teach us and draw us closer to him.

I received this book for free as part of the Baker Book Bloggers program. All opinions are my own.


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