
Showing posts from February, 2022

Five Minute Friday Commitment

           Sixteen years ago today, I made a commitment. Four years ago, I realized that commitment was broken beyond repair, and I reaffirmed my commitment to making a better life for my children. So, instead of celebrating an anniversary on this day, I will gives hugs, spread joy, and be thankful when they call out the word ”Mom!” I will enjoy reading stories to them, and watching movies, and soak in all the details of my son describing his Minecraft world. I will listen intently as my almost teen describes her thoughts, feelings, hopes and dreams. I am so thankful that my Heavenly Father is committed to growing me as a Mom and leading in this journey of motherhood. I will close with these lyrics by Sanctus Real, “So, Father give me strength to be everything I’m called to be, and Father show me the way to lead them, as You lead me.” 

Day 10 My Elegant Spitfire

              This is my elegant spitfire. She loves dressing up. She would wear dresses every day of the week if I let her. As this picture shows she has no problem climbing a tree, running a race, or riding a bike or scooter in a dress. She loves looking for beauty in the world around her. She also doesn’t back down from a dare. They used to call country music singer Brenda Lee, Little Miss Dynamite, and my youngest daughter also brings this description to my mind. I love that she reminds me to live in the moment, and to be on the lookout for beauty and joy.

Day 9 Devestation

              When I thought of the word devastation, I thought of these pictures. These bruises do not just testify to physical pain, but mental and emotional as well. I am thankful that God sent rescuers who brought me out of that situation. I am thankful that he placed my feet upon the Rock, and showed me where the light is. He has shown me His love when I felt unlovable. He is walking with me through this next chapter of my journey. I want God to use my story to help others. I want to share this truth that God is God on the mountaintop and in the valley. He lifted me out a pit that was so deep that I could never escape on my own. I am so thankful that the journey of trust can be a moment by moment step by step experience. If you or someone you love needs help please call 1-800-799-7233. #dvawareness             

Day 8 Worthy

 Lord, You are worthy of all praise. You are my hiding place. You are my strong tower. It amazes me that You are King of Heaven and Lord of me. I am reminded of a song by Kutless,  “If only my one heart Was all You'd gain from all it cost Well I know You would have Still been a man with a reason To willingly offer your life.”  I don’t understand the reasons that You love me so much, but I am so thankful for your revolutionary love. Thank You Jesus that You are Immanuel, God with us. You created everything, yet you still humbled yourself becoming human on a rescue mission to save us from an eternity separated from You. What a mighty God we serve!

Day 7 Ease

  Galatians 6:2 Carry one another’s burdens and in this way you will fulfill the requirements of the law of Christ [that is, the law of Christian love          "Why can't things be easier?" I ask myself this on days that I plan, I try my best, and still things do not turn out the way I hoped. I often forget that God did not promise a life of ease. In fact, Jesus states in the book of Joh "In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world." On days that I feel troubled I need to remember that Jesus overcame the world. I need to surrender my worries and problem to Him. I also want to remember that God gave each of us a mission to make life a little easier for those around us. I want to bring a little bit of sunshine to someone's cloudy day. If I want to do this, I need to be on the lookout for opportunities to bless others with grace and encouragement. Is there anyone that you can bless with a smile, a kind word, or some other sim...

Day 6 The Lord is my Shepherd.

 Yahweh is my best friend and my shepherd. I always have more than enough.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭23:1‬ ‭TPT‬‬              God is a good, good Father. The world screams at me all the ways that I am lacking, but through Jesus, I know that I have everything I need. The Good Shepherd laid down his life for His sheep. He laid down His life for me. Exactly four years ago today, He made a way for me out of what I thought was an impossible situation. “I’ve seen You move mountains and I believe I’ll see you do it again.” I am so thankful that I have a Shepherd that I can trust. He never stops working things out for His glory and my good.

Day 5 Nest

           “Discipleship happens around the kitchen table.” I believe this quote is true. In the latter stages of each of my pregnancies, I loved the nesting phase, and used this time to set up my children’s rooms. Nesting today brings to mind fixing my kids their favorite meals and desserts, or picking up something for them that will make their bedroom more cozy and comfortable for them. I want our home to have ebeneezers, visual reminders to remember to trust in God on the good days and the more difficult days. May I remember the truth of this scripture, ““You shall teach them diligently to your children [impressing God’s precepts on their minds and penetrating their hearts with His truths] and shall speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up.” ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭6:7‬ ‭AMP‬‬ 

Day 4 Achievement

           This is the first prompt that I do not really know what I am going to say before I start writing. What does trusting God look like in seasons when I am achieving goals? Especially what does trusting God look like in seasons that achievement seems elusive? Trusting God means that knowing God is with me on the days that I am just putting one foot in front of the other, as well as on the days that I feel on top of the world. It is realizing that any achievement that I make is a gift from God because of His grace. To quote Tauren Wells, “When I am standing on the mountain, I didn’t get there on my own. When I am walking through the valley, I know I am not alone.

Day 3 Raft

             Have you ever felt like you were drowning? I was wading in the ocean beside California beach about 5 years ago and a huge wave knocked me over. Every time I would try to get back up the wave would knock me down again. I needed something to steady me. I needed a life raft. I have been emotionally drowning at times too. During those seasons, God sent a community of sisters to encourage me to trust God and take the next step in faith. They encouraged me to get the help I needed and to make the healthiest decisions for myself and my children. When I feel like I am drowning may I cling to the Rock of Ages.

Day 2 Ordinary

            If I want to remember to trust God during the storms of life, I need to remember that He is with me in the ordinary moments as well. This picture was taken on an ordinary evening. I washed dishes. My son dried them. My youngest daughter was supposed to be drying them as well, but she took on the role of entertainer instead. I am glad that I took a video of her antics. I do not want to miss these ordinary moments. God is God over every moment of our lives both the monumental and the mundane. May I remember to trust that He is with me throughout my day.            

Day 1 Longing

 What am I longing for and what am I seeking to fill my longings? One of my children would rather eat junk food than a real meal. Am I filling up on spiritual junk? Do I realize that every moment is a moment made for worshipping? Every little thing I do can be an act of worship if I am aware of God’s presence and remember that I can do everything I do for the glory of the One who created me. I can remember to be prayerful as I go through the day praying as I cook meals and do laundry. I can surrender my longings to God and ask to Him to help me want Jesus more than anything.