Day 9 Devestation

              When I thought of the word devastation, I thought of these pictures. These bruises do not just testify to physical pain, but mental and emotional as well. I am thankful that God sent rescuers who brought me out of that situation. I am thankful that he placed my feet upon the Rock, and showed me where the light is. He has shown me His love when I felt unlovable. He is walking with me through this next chapter of my journey. I want God to use my story to help others. I want to share this truth that God is God on the mountaintop and in the valley. He lifted me out a pit that was so deep that I could never escape on my own. I am so thankful that the journey of trust can be a moment by moment step by step experience. If you or someone you love needs help please call 1-800-799-7233. #dvawareness



  1. I'm glad you had rescuers! And I grieve with you that you experienced abuse. And I pray the Lord continues to heal, restore and release you mentally and emotionally.

    This is my first time to hear Dan Bremnes, but it reminded me of Lauren Daigle's song, You Say. Have you heard her song?

    1. Yes, I love Lauren Diagle’s music! Thank you for your words of encouragement. I hope you have wonderful day.

  2. Beautiful song. There are definitely mountain tops and valleys in this life. When I was in the valley a friend reminded me of Hannah Hurnard's book, Hind's Feet in High Places. It's a beautiful allegory of our walk with God.

    1. Hinds Feet in High Places is a beautiful book. I need to reread it. I hope you have a lovely weekend, Mandy!


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