
Five Minute Friday Work

           My Dad has been keeping pretty busy over the last Month or so. My parents and I have both packed up our homes and moved to two different places in the past month. My Dad told his boss, “I come to work to get some rest from lifting boxes and moving furniture.” This move has been a labor of love for my parents, and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without them or the help of my siblings, their spouses and my nephew. I am reminded of when I was pregnant with my first child. Since I love working with children, I thought parenting would come naturally to me. I didn’t know then that parenting takes work, especially to be the parent that each of my children individually need. Their needs have changed greatly as they walk through the threshold of childhood and step into adolescence. One thing that has proven to be true about motherhood is that it is the hardest job that I will ever love. I am so thankful that as a single Mom, I can find wisdom and rest...

Five Minute Friday Impulse

        Generally, I wouldn’t say that I am an impulsive person. The only area that I act or react impulsively is sometimes in the things I say. If I am angry, I do not always use the filter of is this statement true, helpful, inspiring, necessary and kind. In those moments, I may be more interested in making my point than thinking things through before I speak. In most other ways, I am a person who likes to plan, and I try to stick to the plans that I make. There is one area that I would like to be more impulsive concerning, is saying yes more frequently, especially when my “yes” could be a blessing to others. I want to be interruptible. I want to hold to my plans loosely, leaving space for God to work out His greater plan throughout all of my days. I want to impulsively bless and encourage others. May my prayer be, “Interrupt me, Lord. May I remember that interruptions are a part of your plan for me.”

Five Minute Friday Sunshine

           My Dad has nicknamed my youngest child “Sunshine.” She reminds me to slow down and smell flowers, literally, and she likes to take pictures of them too. Her eldest sibling inspires me to try new things, and she challenges me to broaden my perspective. Their brother teaches me something new daily, and asks his teachers when they are going to learn about higher level science topics such as physics. My children truly are my sunshine on a cloudy day. They are my laughter and dancing. My art and the music in my home. Right now, they are on the other side of the country visiting their Dad during Summer break. I hope that they each realize how much joy they bring to my life. I will close with the classic song, “My Girl”, but I feel this way about all of my kids nor just my girls. Do you have someone in your life that reminds you of sunshine?

Five Minute Friday (On a Monday) Hidden

       I am writing these words on a Monday, instead of last Friday, because I didn’t have the words last Friday. I was cleaning my son’s room today when I heard the below song and felt inspired to write. The last few days I have been allowing my fears and doubts run amuck through my mind. My therapist told me during my last appointment that I am not always kind to myself. I needed to be reminded that “there is nothing louder than the song of my Father.” “My life is hidden with Christ in God.” (Colossians 3:3) Thank you Lord that my life is not my past, my fears or my doubts. We are each God’s workmanship. God’s call on each of our lives is irrevocable. I am going to try to remember that when anxiety is running rampant, that if I stop and listen to my Heavenly Father’s song over me, I will find rest in the shadow of His wings.

Five Minute Friday Quick

              I find it interesting that each of us have a different perspective about time. Today seemed to fly by for me. I felt like I had a lot to do today- hello laundry- and  thinking about tomorrow, I expect tomorrow to be busy also, My youngest daughter at one point today told me that she was bored on the first day of Summer vacation. Fortunately boredom can be the springboard for creativity, if the statement of boredom isn’t taken as invitation by your older brother to pester  I mean entertain you. My children are very excited. They will be traveling out of state to see their Dad in six days.  My kids are looking forward to spending time with  their Dad, Grandparents and their New Mexican pets. I want to slow down and enjoy every moment with my kids, knowing how much I will miss them the approximately fifty four days that they will be away. I joked with my already taller than me son about how much taller he will be by the t...

Five Minute Friday Owe

          I did not want to go to my counseling appointment this week. I had the opportunity to work, and I was so tempted to reschedule my appointment and to go to work instead. I didn't cancel my appointment though. I owe my children a mother who is working on healing, especially as two of them are on their own healing journeys. I want to encourage them in prioritizing their mental health. I am glad that I kept my counseling appointment this week. I didn't realize how much I needed it until I was in the office with my counselor unpacking my fears and worries that I tend to stuff down rather than deal with them. This isn't the first time that I took steps toward wholeness and life, because my children needed me too. In fact, many of the steps that I have taken into freedom in the past five years has been because it was what was best for my children. I am not perfect at this and have made plenty of mistakes along the way. Yesterday, I made the right decision....

Five Minute Friday Chapters

 The word chapters reminded me of the journaling exercise that I used to do entitled, "These are the days of . . . " So without further ado here is the list. These are the days of slime made with Elmers glue. My youngest bought slime kits for them to share with their oldest sibling. They both had fun making slime today. These are the days of award ceremonies, graduations (elementary and middle) and end of the school year activities. These are the days of my youngest discovering that she enjoys putting together power point presentations about animals and other topics that interest her. These are the days of my son saying, "Hey Mom come look at this!" requesting that we can watch a science video so that he can discuss it with me. These are the days of watching my children share their creative gifts whether that is watching my youngest prepare a presentation, my eldest sketch, or my son create video game fan art. These are the days that I am trying to slow down and sav...