Five Minute Friday Impulse

        Generally, I wouldn’t say that I am an impulsive person. The only area that I act or react impulsively is sometimes in the things I say. If I am angry, I do not always use the filter of is this statement true, helpful, inspiring, necessary and kind. In those moments, I may be more interested in making my point than thinking things through before I speak. In most other ways, I am a person who likes to plan, and I try to stick to the plans that I make. There is one area that I would like to be more impulsive concerning, is saying yes more frequently, especially when my “yes” could be a blessing to others. I want to be interruptible. I want to hold to my plans loosely, leaving space for God to work out His greater plan throughout all of my days. I want to impulsively bless and encourage others. May my prayer be, “Interrupt me, Lord. May I remember that interruptions are a part of your plan for me.”


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