Five Minute Friday Calling out from the darkness

"But life hit me hard, more than I planned
And it knocked me down, like an avalanche
On the edge of hopeless, I called You from the darkness" -Dan Bremnes 

          About three years ago my family vacationed on the California coast, One day we were at the beach wading into the beautiful aquamarine waves. As I was playing in the water with my eldest daughter a wave knocked us both off our feet. My daughter quickly got up and made her way back to shore. I struggled to get up and as I tried to get up, another wave knocked me down. As I told my Dad later, only I could almost drown in the two feet of water. Seasons of darkness can feel like that. When you think that you are getting your bearings, another wave of sorrow and fear can hit you. I told a friend when I was going through a hard season, that maybe if I didn't move and just was perfectly still, I would not feel any more anxiety or grief, and nothing else bad would happen. Allowing myself to be emotionally paralyzed was not the answer. The answer was asking God to lead me out of the darkness and into the light. The answer was taking the next right step, and trusting God to walk with me on this journey. Thank you Lord that You continue to lead me where the light is. 



  1. We can be in mortal danger
    inches from the calm and safe,
    wrapped up in our righteous anger
    that the smooth has come to chafe
    the life we thought was set and guided
    by a God who we thought Santa-like,
    who we by good deeds gently chided
    into warding off each painful strike.
    We are, however, much deluded
    for our Lord is so much more than real,
    and in His kindly mien's included
    a backbone of the strongest steel.
    He will not be as we wish He would,
    but only for our cherished good.

    1. Your poem reminded me of the quote from Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis

      Beaver replied, “Of course he's not safe! But he is good; he's the King, I tell you!"

      "He will not be as we wish He would, but only for our cherished good." I will be clinging to this truth today. I am praying for you and Barb.


  2. Reading this is encouraging to me. It made me feel I am not alone. Thank you for your written words.

    ~Your FMF neighbor

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. No, you are not alone, Leann. I am so thankful that we have each other to lean on and cheer on in the hard seasons. I am thinking of you and I hope you have a lovely day!


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