Five Minute Friday Soon

          Many times, one of my kids will ask me when we will do a certain activity. I used to answer them, "Soon." Even if I wasn't sure that it would be soon. The problem with that is that sometimes the "soons" get swallowed up by the never ending to do list, and I forget the things that I promised to do sometime soon. I now evaluate whether the activity is important to them, and doable at that present time for me. If the answer to both of those questions is yes, than I ask them, "How about now?" Time passes too quickly. I want to make the most of the opportunities to make memories with my children. So, yes to, "Let's go for a walk," and yes to "Mom, do you want to watch this with me?"  Yes, to "Mom, will you make this with me?". and yes to "Mom come here and listen to my favorite song." I want to remember that time is precious and that one day sooner than I realize my children will be young adults. I want them to remember a Mom who cherished the sound of their laughter and loved having fun with them.    

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  1. This is such an important thing to remember to do with our children, but also our friends. Recently I've stopped saying 'We still need to...' with friends and started penciling dates into the diary, lest the soon become nevers. thank you. Dawn #30


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