Five Minute Friday Deliberate

          "So is there anything that we (my eldest and I) need to work on this week?" I asked. "You need to practice more self care. It is important that your children see you taking care of yourself and managing stress better." I promised my eldest's counselor that I will try. It is hard to practice self care though, when I constantly feel like there are other more pressing tasks that I should be doing. It is a deliberate choice to take a break, when there is still so much to do. I told my child's counselor that my youngest especially would like more time with me, and that I would invite them into the self care activities. My youngest loves beauty and at times feels lonely as the only one of my children that will be at elementary school next year. Learning to take time for fun to better manage stress will be good for us both. One of the ideas that we are already doing that I want to increase the frequency of is going for walks. My children love pointing out the birds, squirrels, bunnies, and dogs being walked by our neighbors that see a long the way. I love taking a walk at sunset, in Florida if you want to walk without sweating it is either in the morning or the evening. My children tend to prefer the evening. Please share with me your favorite self care idea in the comments below.



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