Five Minute Friday You Will Always Have my Hand to Hold

           The music of J J Heller has been such an encouragement on my motherhood journey. As I thought about this song, I remembered holding my youngest’s hand last weekend as she skated around the neighborhood. She is not completely steady on skates, so whenever she thought she might lose her balance. She would reach for my hand. It is such a gift to hold my children’s hands. I have been reflecting on how  saying, “yes” to their requests as much as possible, blesses me. Watching my eldest and youngest bake cookies was a fun afternoon for the three of us. Even my son who doesn’t bake, enjoyed eating the cookies that were the result of our baking endeavors. I love that my children show me videos of things and that interest them or even jokes that they come across. I enjoy our time together both individually and as a family.  I want them to know that I will always want their hands to hold.


  1. Having kids was not the thing
    for life's long spring-break tour,
    but seeing joy that they can bring,
    right now I'm not so sure
    that I was quite right to reject
    the siren call to procreation
    so that I could best protect
    my chosen means of recreation.
    Anyway, that wouldn't be my part,
    but I'm sure that if it had
    (I really know it in my heart!),
    I'd have been a lousy dad
    who would have said to child half-grown,
    '"Don't take my beer, go get your own!"


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