Five Minute Friday Reach

        On this National Son’s Day, my son remembered something that really touched my heart. My eldest asked if she could buy herself food from Arby’s. Since that would be an Uber Eats order, I asked my other children what they would like to eat. My son decided Chinese food, while my youngest declined the offer because she has a sinus infection. Fifteen minutes later my son’s order arrived. When I pulled a large container of egg drop soup out of the bag, he reminded me that it was Chloe’s favorite, and he purchased it hoping that she would have some. When I told her brother got her egg drop soup, I saw the first smile that she had smiled all day. I am so thankful that my son thought of his sister when I asked him what he wanted for dinner. He found a way to reach out and encourage her, when she is not feeling up to one of his squeezing  bear hugs right now. Is there any one that you can reach out and encourage? Has anyone ever encouraged you using my sons favorite love language, food? I would love to read your thoughts in the comments below.


  1. Food really is not my thing,
    the bad has gone a ways too far,
    but if you'd like, you might bring
    along a big and cheap cigar.
    I know that nicotine's not great
    for the lungs and other stuff,
    but in facing cancer's fate,
    I have truly had enough
    of trying to hold on to health,
    and trying to look ahead.
    Palliative is now wealth,
    and since I'm gonna end up dead,
    I'll go out with laughing joke
    delivered through a cloud of smoke.


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