Day Twenty Navigating Changes with Grace

            I am not a big fan of change. Not surprisingly, my children are also not usually excited about changes. This means that as my family has experienced many changes especially in the last year, that I have had to find the positive aspects of these changes and point out these silver linings to the children. This can be challenging when it was hard for me to see the good in the situation. I have tried to point out that each new experience is an opportunity for adventure. As my Dad likes to say, "Each new opportunity is a chance to excel." Change is a part of life, and I do not want my children to dread seasons of change. I want to point them to the One who is never surprised by change. I want them to know that God is with us no matter what the next season of life may bring.  We can trust Him when the path ahead looks unclear. We need to be brave and take the next step forward. I also want to show my kids and myself grace during times of change. New routines take time to get used to, and my children need me to be patient and understanding with them and even with myself. Do you like change? Or do you crave routine like my children and me? I would love to read your thoughts in the comments. 


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