Day Twenty Five Problem or possibliities

          Each day I have a choice. I can focus on my problems, or I can focus of the God that makes all things possible. If I focus on my problems, I will be grumpy and anxious, and this negative focus will impact my whole day, If I focus on God, even hard things are a little easier because I trust that He is withe me. Part of focusing on God is remembering all that I have to be thankful for. It si being curious about things going on around me, instead of assuming the worst. It is leaning in and continuing the conversation calmly, when someone bumps into my happy. It is remembering that God can use interruptions to draw me and others closer to him, and to handle interruptions with grace. It is remembering that the big eyes of the child, standing over the mess on the floor is more important than the inconvenience of cleaning up the mess on the floor, On days that seem to have more than their share of problems may I breathe in grace and breathe out praise. 


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