Day One Look Full in His Wonderful Face

            My Mom commented that 2023 has not started smoothly for her. Considering that she was in the hospital last week, and that she hasn’t gotten her strength fully back yet, I understand the reason that she feels that way. This week has felt kind of topsy turvy for me. As Alice Morse Earle states, I want to remember that even though “ Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.” I want to continue to pause and remember to look up and look fully into the face of my Savior. This is not a short glance God’s way, but a reminder to fully focus on Him even in the midst of chaos. As our source of peace and comfort, I especially need to take time to focus on Him my firm foundation when everything seems to be in disarray and out of control. I want the things of earth (the anxiety, the complications, and the difficulties) to shrink in comparison to the light of God’s glory and grace.




  1. I love that quote from Alice Morse Earle. Sometimes the good things are harder to find, but they are always there.

    1. Especially on the difficult days, I need to hunt for joy. I have thanked God for my children's joy on days that joy was hard to come by. My kids have caused me to smile through tears. Thank you for stopping by.

  2. Sorry to hear about your Mom. I hope she gets better soon. The quote is spot on. I loved listening to this old favourite too!

    1. Thank you for your kind words and for stopping by.

  3. I hope your mom is doing better! That's one of my favorite songs :). The more we look at Jesus, the less pull the world has one us.


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