Day Nine Skulk

           My kids enjoy skulking about the house trying to sneak into each other’s rooms and startle their unsuspecting sibling. After all the silence of skulking there is usually shrieking, laughter and running as the invading party is chased back to their room, I want my house to be full of grace, laughter and kids who enjoy sneaking up on unsuspecting family members. Fun houses can be noisy ones. I need to remember that when they are still full of energy at 8 pm, and all I want to do is sleep, or when I am grabbed in a bear hug from behind by my son, who makes me jump in the process. I have told my teen and tweens, "Really? I guess I am the only one who is tired right now." Do you have any funny stories of being snuck up on? Or do you like to sneak up on your family members? I would love to read more in the comments below. 


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