Day Eighteen Tiny

                    I am thankful that my youngest daughter invited me on a mission last night. She wanted to take pictures of these tiny flowers, but the trout being outside after dark was giving her the willies. So, she invited me along. This child has always been my noticer. She stops and smells the roses literally. She loves animals and flowers. She notices the the small details that others might overlook. I am so thankful that she shares her observations with me. I am also thankful that I have listened to her and her siblings, and and trying to live life less rushed, less distracted with loads more love, laughter and grace. She reminds me to turn up the music and dance. Is there someone in your life who reminds you to be present for all of the little moments? Please feel free to tell me about them in the comments.    


  1. It's a great thing to be a noticer! After all, Our Father notices when a sparrow falls to the ground!

    I must admit I must work more on this. I'm often too preoccupied with the next thing to notice the here and now.

  2. My youngest daughter is a photographer, so she's always noticed things well too!

  3. She sounds like my kind of gal! I love to stop and smell the roses and get down close to observe tiny things :).

  4. How sweet! I want to get better at noticing the little details as well. And maybe on following through when I notice something "little" that indicates someone is in need of encouragement.


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