Day 24 Saver

        I am a keeper of memories. My storage on my phone is always full, because I don’t want to delete pictures. Those pictures represent memories. I have boxes filled with paper memories. My youngest daughter is much like me. My Dad would call us pack rats. My son isn’t like me. He jokingly said he was giving away his childhood the last time we moved. He chose to donate most of his toys, at eleven years of age. He doesn’t really play with toys anymore. My youngest daughter also struggles with saving her allowance. The money “burns a hole in her pocket.”, as the saying goes. My son saved up his allowance and bought himself a chrome book. How does grace come into play in the description of my children and their personalities. I tell them and their older sibling all the time, we respect each other’s preferences and differences. Individual differences keep life interesting. If we were all the same life would be boring. So are you a saver? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.


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