Day 23 Focusing on What We Have in Common

 Acts 4:32

Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common

            When I saw that today's word was common, I thought of a reading lesson that I gave yesterday as a substitute teacher. "What was it that the two characters had in common, and how are they different?" Even children, I notice tend to focus on their differences and not their commonalities. I can understand this, differences make people special and unique. I wonder what the world would be like if people focused more on what they had in common. We are all human. I tell my kids to remember that everyone has feelings, and that if they wouldn't want the statement to be made about them, than they probably shouldn't be saying it. What would it look to focus on what we have in common with someone who does not look, think or act like us? What would it be like to be curious about our differences instead of allowing us to be fearful of differences? I think to have this level of unity love and grace would have to flow freely in the group I am learning this year that to show grace to others, I need to focus on God's great love and grace for me, and be immersed in His grace. What would be like to be one heart and soul with a group of people? Have you ever felt this level of community? I would love to read your experiences of community in the comments below



  1. I'm very thankful for the groups of friends I've been blessed with over the years that focused on what we had in common and celebrated the differences that made us unique without making anyone feel inadequate or excluded. Good communities recognize that what we have in common is greater than what's different.


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