Day Twenty One Adore

         This song brings me back to my college days. When I googled the song, it even showed a picture of a Wow Worship CD that I know I had owned in my days of community college. When I saw that today's word was adore, I wondered how to write about adoration from the viewpoint of grace. Adoration flows from a grateful heart that realizes how holy and awesome God is, and how much I need Him. I am thankful that my Pastor taught on this recently. The more that we adore God, the more we will want to adore Him. The more we invite Him into the quiet and even not so quiet moments of our days. The easier it is to remember that He is Immanuel, God with us. We can totally immerse ourselves in knowing Him and yet there will always be more room to grow in our trust, love and understanding of Him, this side of Heaven. I am also sharing the song "I want to go back." My personal story is that I began my walk with the Lord as a child. Life seemed simpler back then, and it is a good reminder that I can have faith like a child, as an adult.  I once heard a Pastor say that he preaches the gospel to Himself daily, and I believe that remembering the gospel every day can help us have an eternal perspective. This is something that I want to remember the next time that circumstances threaten to steal my peace and joy. 



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