Day 17 Reflections

           I love taking time to look back and reflect on what God has been teaching me lately. I have realized that if I do not give myself time to reflect than I will realize that I have not paused for a while, and that the previous month has felt like a blur. This is one of the things that I love about blogging. It is my time to look back over my life and see God's faithfulness, and trust that God will continue to guide me in my present and my future. Gratitude is an important part of this time of reflection. There is always something to be thankful for, as I like to remind my kids. Sometimes, we may need to look a little harder. I am thankful that oldest and youngest love seeing beauty in nature. My eldest is a lover of sunsets, rainbows, and rainy afternoons. My youngest loves animals even some animals that her siblings and I are amazed that she finds cute. May I reflect God's love and grace to my children each day as we journey through life together.


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