Day 13 Facts

           I am not very good at dealing with the facts of the situations. I am a highly emotional person. I score very highly in the feelings category of the Meyers Brigg. Facts rarely are black and white for me. Facts can inspire huge feelings. My counselor has reminded me of one fact that I need to remind myself of, to talk myself off of proverbial emotional ledges. When I am in the middle of emotional upheaval, I need to remind myself that I am safe, no matter what my emotions are screaming at me. I can remind myself that I am safe. I can remind myself that whatever I am facing is (most likely) not an emergency. I can remind myself that I am loved by God. I can get off the train of anxious thoughts and fear and choose a new path of remembering all that I have for which to be thankful. I need to look at the situation through a lense of grace  What facts do you remind yourself of when you need encouragement?


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