Five Minute Friday Doubt

I have had the pleasure of being on the launch team for Wendy Speake’s book The Forty Day Feast. I would like to share the reasons that I would recommend this inspiring book.

           I love that when we read the Bible, that we can talk with God through prayer about what we are reading. God promises in His Word that when we truly seek Him, we will find Him.

          God has displayed his desire to communicate with us. All we need to do is approach His word with an open teachable heart, He will use His Word to transform us.

I love rereading books that are impactful to me. If I reread works of fiction, how much more important is it to read God’s word. “The Word of God is living and active sharper than any two edged sword.” The Forty Day Feast  showed the reason that Bible believers should be Bible readers, and shared different methods for Bible study. I believe that Bible study is even more important in seasons of doubt. The act of faith in continuing to show up, in difficult seasons and to allow God’s word to continue to teach and nourish even in dry desert seasons.

I would recommend the 40 Day Feast to anyone  who wants to read the Bible more, but doesn’t know where to start.

I am on the launch team for this impactful book. All opinions are my own.



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