Five Minute Friday Witness

            I did not know how much I would need the word trust when I chose it (or did it choose me?) as my #Oneword365 in December of 2021. There have been several seasons during this year, when I wanted to panic, or I wanted to sink into despair. The word trust reminded me that even during periods of times that I could not see the path forward, that God was still on the throne. I can trust Him. I needed to trust God as this year brought very big changes in my life. God showed me His love and grace, by dear friends and loved ones literally showing up for my children and me, being his hands and feet. They shined God's light and love when I felt overwhelmed. As an auditory processor, music comforts and encourages me. I am going to share a few of the songs that I played and replayed this year.

"In my worry, God You are my stillness. In my blindness, God you are my vision. In my weakness, God You are my power."

These are words that I needed to remind myself of daily, sometimes hourly. This song encourages me to release my worries and fears to God and remember that God is at work, even when situations seem impossible.

        During difficult times, I need to remember the times that I have seen "God make a way when there was no way." God is the God of the impossible. Luke 1:37 "For nothing will be impossible with God.”  When things seem impossible, I need to look to God. The word impossible is not in His vocabulary.

          A year ago, when I chose the word trust, "Trust in You" by Lauren Diagle was a song that I knew would greatly encourage me this year. Similar to the song "God of All My Days" the bridge of this song is the most impactful, and something I preach to myself often.

"You are my strength and comfort. You are my steady hand.
You are my firm foundation; the rock on which I stand
Your ways are always higher. Your plans are always good
There's not a place where I'll go, You've not already stood"

           I was tempted to close this post with my thoughts about, "Trust in You". without sharing how difficult trusting has been for me this year. I have walked through a season of grief. Actually saying, I walked through it, probably isn't accurate. I tried my best to ignore my grief, but I found when I was ignoring it, that it would come out sideways at inopportune times. It is much better to share my feelings of grief with God, pouring my heart out to Him.  These lyrics from the Casting Crowns song "Oh My Soul" have been very inspiring to me.

"Here and now, you can be honest
I won't try to promise
That someday it all works out
'Cause this is the valley
And even now He is breathing on
Your dry bones and there will be dancing
There will be beauty where beauty was
Ash and stone. This much I know."

Psalms 27:13 AMP

13 I would have despaired had I not believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living.

          The above verse is another that I need to remember on days that I do not see the path forward. Trusting is believing that I will see the goodness of God. "Your goodness is running after me." One of the lessons that I am learning this year, that I want to carry with me into 2023, is that no matter what the path ahead looks like to keep looking to Jesus the author and finisher of my faith. "Twas grace that brought me safe thus far, and grace will bring me home."

Did you have a #Oneword365? What lessons are you carrying with you into 2023?



  1. Thank you for sharing these brilliant songs and how they have helped you this year. I like your definition from the Psalms that trusting is 'believing that we will yet see the goodness of God'. May you know that peace in believing.

  2. Jolene, thank you for sharing these songs. They speak to me, as well.

    As we now are inching towards
    the New Year, I get lazy,
    and I think my chosen word's
    Meshuggah, which means 'crazy'
    in Yiddish patois, of course,
    describes nation for me;
    it don't put cart before the horse
    to say insanity
    is the hallmark of these years
    (what, fifty-seven genders?),
    when someone's taken our worst fears
    and put them in a blender
    to make our country laughingstock,
    the dumbest kid upon the block.

  3. This was a beautiful way to be a witness of God's grace, mercy, and faithfulness to you this past year! May you keep holding onto Jesus for He is holding onto you and will never let go!

  4. may you come out on the otherside of grief seeing God's hand more clearly. Trust helps us do that. May you continue to build it securely. :) FMF10

  5. Thank you so much for sharing such a vulnerable part of your walk this year! I love to think about choosing one word that i can come back to again and again each day! I love the verse that we can see his goodness now in the land of the living!


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