Five Minute Friday Laugh

           I laugh frequently. Children (my own and those that I substitute teach) have noticed that I sometimes laugh at things that are not very amusing. I laugh at matters that are ironic, baffling, or would fall under the category of “If I didn’t laugh, I would be tempted to cry.” I do want to laugh more from finding joy in the moment. I don’t want to take life too seriously. I want to enjoy everyday moments with my children. I want to be the Mom who plays with them. I want to be the mom who laughs. I want to dance in the living room, and listen to them laugh and tell me I can’t dance. I want to laugh as my son shows me funny things about Minecraft. I want to laugh at funny memes my eldest texts me. I want to laugh at funny animal videos that my youngest watches. I want to laugh as we play games together on weekend nights. What are some ways that you can make laughter a part of your day today?


  1. I have had those moments too. If I didn't laugh, I'd cry. Those times seem to be accompanied by strange looks. Visiting from FMF.


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