Day 29 Lost

           Five years ago, I was feeling the most lost that I ever felt in my life. I was also working as hard as I could to pretend everything was normal. Acquaintances tell me, that would have never guessed what I was going through, because I and my family seemed so normal. I am thankful that I had a community of sisters in Christ, who saw through my pretending and never gave up on me. I feel like in that season of feeling lost, that they said we have the map ,and we will walk the journey out of the darkness with you. In the last five years, I have learned much about God's grace. His grace found me in my hardest moments and draw me out of my despair. His grace is leading me home. I am so thankful that God's grace is like rain falling down on me. I am so thankful that God's grace washes away all sin and shame. "I once was lost, but now I'm found, was blind but now I see."


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