Day 4 There's never been a moment that I have not been loved by God

            I thought of the below song when I read that today's prompt was never. I know that there are people who struggle with the question of, where is God when tragedy strikes? Over four years ago, I was dealing with a traumatic situation. Looking back on that time, I truly believe that God was with me. If anything, I lost sight of his presence, because I was overwhelmed by my situation. He never lost sight of or let go of me. He was at work, even though I didn't see it. It amazes me to think back on the story of my life and see where God connected me with people who were a critical part of my rescue story. The year after my cross country move that gave my children and me our fresh start, I realized how much I needed to remember that God loves me. My #Oneword for that year was loved. I created a playlist of songs that reminded me of God's love, that I still listen to on long days. What do you do that helps you to focus on God's love for you?


  1. Exactly right! My family explosion overwhelmed me, but as I sat quieting my heart and asking God to speak to me I calmed down and realized it was not a punishment, but a learning experience for all involved. It was then I stopped running around like a crazy woman. My work this year is ... yup! TRUST

    1. Thank you for the encouragement! I think the two most encouraging words in the English language are "Me too!" I am still needing to slow down and stop myself when I catch myself running around like a crazy woman, either literally or letting my thoughts do all the racing for me. I am so thankful that you stopped by and commented. I hope you have a lovely day.


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