Day 7 Five Minute Friday Become

 Behold, I am doing a new thing;

    now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
    and rivers in the desert.

Isaiah 43:15

          I love watching as my children learn, grow, and develop new interests. I love hearing their perspective on a wide variety of topics, especially when it differs from mine. I have frequently walked away from conversations with my kids thinking that I never thought about something from that perspective before. I am encouraged to think that as much as it delights me to watch my children learn new things and develop their unique interests, it must delight God exponentially more to see us learning and growing closer in our walk with Him. In Zephaniah 3, verse 17 states that "He rejoices over us with singing."  He is a good, good Father. I want my children to know that they are God's masterpiece. As their Mom, I am so happy that God gave me the opportunity to watch them develop into the amazing people that they are becoming.


  1. I do now a bright new thing
    that before I did not know,
    that from raw staves I might bring
    a good and taut longbow,
    like the noble English used
    on the plain of Agincourt,
    and thus my effort is suffused
    with rather more than bottled port
    wine to lend high imagination
    to the work I'm doing here;
    nay, I need no protestation
    to make lesson firm and clear
    that hewing firm to history
    creates a new lethality.

    1. Thank you for stopping by Andrew! I had to break out the dictionary for this one. I did not know the meaning of the word suffuse. (I looked it up. :-)) I am praying for you and Barb!

  2. Yes I think it is true and I love to envision God's delight in us as we learn more about Him!

  3. it is rather fantastic watching our children grow isn't it? FMF23

  4. Love this -- "it delights me to watch my children learn new things and develop their unique interests, it must delight God exponentially more to see us learning and growing closer in our walk with Him."
    Thanks for sharing.


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