Day 9 Secret

            For years I had a secret. I pretended everything was okay, but it wasn’t. I longed for my home life to be normal, but it wasn’t. I even fooled acquaintances into believing that I was fine. I have been told that my family seemed so normal. The truth was that I wasn’t fine. I was in a marriage in which I was physically, verbally, and emotionally abused. I kept this secret because I was afraid. I was living in a state of denial. I thought that if only I could be a better wife, that this wouldn’t be happening. It took friends find out my secret and showing me that I needed to break free of the abuse for my children’s sake that finally gave me the courage to leave. God made a way out of the scariest situation of my life. I now share my story, because I want others in similar circumstances  to know that they are not alone. 

October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. If you or someone you love is in an abusive relationship, you can get help by calling the National Domestic Violence hotline   1.800.799.7233


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