Day 6 Crave

           I crave to be understood. When I am in conflict with someone, I wish that the person could see that my intentions, even if my intentions did not become reality. Steven Covey states "“We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behaviour."  I often worry about what others think about me, especially my family and those closest to me. I crave affirmation. I want to be a good _______.  I want to be a good mother, a good daughter, and a good friend. I don't always feel I am doing well in these roles. I crave connection with those I love. When situations are messy, I sometimes crave a quick fix to my situation.  My cravings have changed in the past year, as I have seen that wishing for things to be simpler or easier can steal the joy from simple everyday moments in life. I spent a lot of time grieving my past and wishing that my circumstances were better for myself and my children. I don't want to do that anymore. I want to make special dinners to celebrate milestones. I crave quiet weekend mornings relaxing with my children. I want soak in the moments of laughter and joy. I want to see the joy in my children's faces while I watch them create whether that creation be a cake or a work of art. I want to remind them that the gift of creativity is given to us by God. All good gifts are from God. "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, with whom there is no change or shifting shadow." James 1:17 "Father, show me the way to lead them as You lead me." -Matt Hammitt What are some things that you crave today?


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