Day 23 If

           I do not like the word if. My mind tends to run away with the phrases "what if" and "If only." I have spent too much time wondering "what if," Asking what if is not really helpful, and can just send my thoughts in an unhealthy spiral. Ruminating on if only just causes me to stay focused on what I wished would have happened in the past instead of focusing on the present and looking toward the future. I have also recently realized that I sometimes do not want to slow down and grieve the losses that I face in the present. If I put off grieving unitl some far off future point than the shadow of grief will contiuue to follow me, taking the joy out of the present. I don't want to live life that way. I need to bring my "what if's" and "if only's" to God and leave them at His feet. When these thoughts come to mind again, I need to once again surrender them to God. As I continue to pour my heart out to God, He can fill my heart with peace, comfort and joy.I was thinking of song titles that have the word if in them  and thought of this Mercy Me song. May my "what if''s" and "If only's" become "Even if You don't my hope is You alone." Are there any things that you need to pour out to God, so, that He can fill you with His grace today? 


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