Day 2 Give Thanks

        Psalms 103:2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits

          Each weekend, I will take a break from the series, and take a moment to give thanks. I have found that if I don't pause and look around with a grateful heart, that the weeks kind of run together without remembering the many beautiful moments that I experience each day. I need to stop and record my blessing to fully appreciate them. I also enjoy looking back through my gratitude journal and remembering the moments that I describe on the pages. It is a wonderful reminder of all the things that God has brought me through. "Twas grace that brought me safe thus far and grace will bring me home."

A nice visit with my parents this morning. I was able to catch up with my Dad as he had a very eventufl Friday, with a few interesting stories to tell. My Dad is a great storyteller.

My parents brought my kiddos snacks by from Sam's Club.

I enjoyed listening to my children play online games together.

I am getting better at holding space for my children to process their emotions without trying to fix the situation or correct them. Crystal Payne's Love Centered Parenting has been very encouraging to me me as I am striving to be a more love centered parent.

My youngest made homemade chocolate chip cookies this week, and she and I worked together to make a spaghetti dinner. I love playing sous chef to my Cuddle Bug.

I am enjoying Pumpkin flavored coffee mate. I love fall flavors, pumpkin and apple!

I am thankful for slightly cooler temperatures. I love it when the mornings are a little cooler. Our morning temperatures are going to be in the low 60's. I live in Florida, after all. ☺

What are you thankful for on this first Sunday in October? Please share your thought in the comments.


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