Day 17 Together
I have mentioned this before, but community literally saved my life over four and a half years ago. If I had not been a part of an active and loving community, I probably would not be here sharing my story, My community did not give up on me, even when I had given up. They prayed for me, encouraged me, called and emailed me, and kept showing up. They even reached out to my family, when they realized that I needed family support, but could not ask for it on my own, since I was so scared. "It is not good for man to live alone . . ." is the opening phrase of Genesis 2:18. I know that this verse is describing the creation of Eve and is often quoted in context to marriage. I have found this verse to be true of community. Even though, I know I thrive in community. I still am tempted to isolate when I am hurting. I want to be okay. So, I hope that if I pretend to be okay, that I can fake it until I am feeeling better. This doesn't work though. I need people that I can be real and open with. I also love that I can pray for and enourage others in my circle of friends. What are your thoughts on community? I would love to read your story in the comments below.
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