Day 14 Compromise

Amos 3:3-5

Do two men walk together unless they have made an appointment?

           When my children disagree, I often tell them to compromise. One of my children is very good at compromising, whereas the other two are not as eager to meet in the middle. I remind him occasionally that I value his opinion and he doesn't have to let his siblings have their way all of the time. I appreciate that he enjoys making his sisters happy most of the time. He has taught me much about the art of compromise. His laid-back attitude is something that I think is needed in our culture today. My Dad used to ask me as a kid, "Is this a hill you are willing to die on?" A good question to ask about compromise, is this a matter that will greatly impact my life? Or is this something that I will not even remember in a month? If I am not even going to remember that I had to compromise about something in a month, then it is probably a decision that I do not have to be so adamant concerning having my way. Are you good at compromising with others? What are your thoughts concerning compromising with others?


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