Day 12 Born

       The Westminster Catechism states that, "Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever." This is the reason that each of us is born. This can be helpful to those of us with decision fatigue. I can ask myself, which of these options would glorify God, or draw me closer in my walk with God? Now it won't help make a choice easier if the choice is indeed insignificant, but if the choice is insignificant. I can remind myself that it is insignificant and ask my kids to pick one. We were born to live in community. Our first community is our family, and then as we grow, we are a part of communities at school, church, and our place of employment. We are also part of the community in the cities or towns that we reside in. I like that my pastor reminds our church that one of the ways to glorify and enjoy God is to find ways to encourage others around us. A friend sent me a $10 dollar Starbucks gift card this week. This was a blessing to me as Starbucks is not a usual part of my single Mom budget. I used it as a treat for my children as well, as one of them got a lemon loaf and the other got a cake pop, when I ordered my pumpkin cream cold brew. I have another friend that volunteers for Operation Christmas Child. My kids and I look forward to filling shoeboxes with items that will bless encourage a children in need. This shoeboxes may travel halfway across the world. A fact that we talked about last year as we shopped and filled our boxes. What are the things that you know that God created you to do? What do you do to glorify God and enjoy Him forever?


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