Day 10 Just Between You and Me

           I learned something about myself in the past year that I am trying to change. When I am tired, frustrated, or sad, I want to vent my feelings. I don't mean to be a complainer. It is just that life as a single Mom can be hard. I need to be careful who I vent too though. My words said in frustration and tiredness can have a negative impact on my relationships. My words have at times discouraged my children when family members asked them about things that my kids know that these family members must have heard about from me. My words have also given certain members of my family a negative impression of my children, that isn't fair to my kids. I have apologized to my kids about this,and have told them that I will not gossip about them, or allow family members to gossip about them in front of me, anymore. I have also told my children that they can ask me to change the subject anytime that our extended family gathers and my kids aren't comfortable that they are being talked about. I wish I always recognized my children's need for privacy, but I am learning. I am thankful that in reality, when I feel like I am hanging on by a thread, may it be the hem of Jesus' garment. (The last sentence is a paraphrased quote by Toby McKeehan)


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