Five Minute Friday Road (Introduction to #Write31days 2022)

           When my youngest was little, she would tire of walking quite quickly. When she would get tired, she would flop on the ground and declare that she wasn't going another step. In my life, there have been times that I felt the same way about the direction that my life seemed to be going. There have been times that the path forward seemed dark, scary, and unclear, and I didn't want to take another step. At times, I have been paralyzed by fear. I have tried ignoring situations hoping that if I didn't make any sudden movements that things would get better.  God sent sisters to come around me in these moments. These wonderful ladies said, "If you are not strong enough to walk this road, that's okay. We are here to lean on, and help you take the next steps." Over the next thirty-one days, I will be writing about finding freedom trusting in God. I am so thankful for friends who remind me to keep looking to God in the middle of messy circumstances.  Has community ever made the road you walk a little easier? I would love to read your thoughts on community in the comments. 



  1. What may feel like paralysis
    can be wisdom afoot,
    a subconscious analysis
    that you should just stay put,
    let things develop on their own,
    observe each growing fact,
    until the final picture's known,
    and it is time to act.
    So put the doubting on the shelf,
    and don't let others use a goad
    to make you second-guess yourself;
    no, don't take up that load,
    but resolve, please, that you'll use instead
    what God has placed within your head.

    1. Thank you, Andrew, for sharing your wisdom and perspective. I am praying for you and Barb!

  2. I'm actually missing community right now. Switching churches is hard post-covid. FMF19

  3. I am a community girl. I like to support and invest in local community - shops, businesses and through the church - it is all about relationships, sharing and supporting and fun. Life is too short to isolate oneself from the diversity of life in others.


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