Five Minute Friday

 Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 3:13-14

           Recently some major life changes that are happening in my home, brought up emotions that I exoerienced four years ago during my divorce. You can think that you are over something and that you have moved on until events trigger those feelings again and you realized that maybe you haven't moved as far foward as you thought. I told a friend that I made a Spotify playlist four years ago, that is inspiring me and encouraging me during this season. These songs remind me that God loves me and that He is here with me. I need to remember that when life seems out of control that God is still in control. He loves each of us more than we can fathom. I can find my strength in the shadow of His wings. What truths from scripture are you holding onto today?


  1. I know what you mean about thinking you are over something and them something triggers it again.
    I've been reading Ps145 recently (part of Journalling the Psalms by Paula Gooder) - apparently the Talmud recommends reading this 3 times a day so I'm giving that a go. And it has proved a timely comfort.
    God bless.
    Your FMF Neighbour #8

  2. We think it's over, and it's done,
    and life was like it was before,
    but then we find we've not yet won,
    and the hurt is still as sore
    as on the day it was inflicted
    (touch it if you really dare!),
    leaving us bemused, conflicted;
    does God really care?
    Sometimes we have to work this through
    an endless clammy night
    and do what we're enjoined to do
    by God, until the light
    that the devil sought to hide
    shows Him walking by our side.

  3. This is so beautiful, Jolene. I can so relate to triggers from something you thought you were healed on. Healing seems to come in layers, often over many years. Lately, Ps 143:8 has been one of my anchors when those triggers hit, and I need to bring Him my soul in the morning. May the Lord strengthen you and settle you (1 Pet 5:10).

  4. Amen! (And thanks for sharing the link. I just saved it to my playlist.)

  5. Sometimes we think we've healed and something sets us off again. I know just what you mean. Having a playlist to remind us of God's faithfulness is a great idea. Wishing you well through this current phase and thereafter.

  6. It is important to forget the past, however successful or unsuccessful it was, and to walk with anticipation into the future
    Just stopped by from FMF #34


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