Five Minute Friday Determined

 1 Corinthians 2:2

For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified

            What if Jesus was truly my focus? What if I didn't get so distracted by trying to please others, my worries and my fears, and instead focused on loving God and loving others? I get so distracted by things that do not matter for eternity. I want to have an eternal focus. I want to remember that this world is not my home. I am only here for a little while. With my time on earth, I want to love God and love others. I want to remember that God is my source of love, eternal hope and joy. I want to be an agent of grace reminding those around me that God loves them. I want to encourage and pray for others. I want to remember that God is with me. I know that my perspective is vastly different on days that I remember that God is with me. I am so thankful that God left the ninety-nine to come after me, and I want to share God's love with others. I am thankful that even on the days that I lose my focus and become bogged down with concerns about the temporal things of this world, that God can change my perspective with a verse, or a song or an encouraging word from a friend. What does the word determined bring to mind for you?

This is the first time I have written on this blog in a couple of months. I have been microblogging on Instagram, but I decided to post in this space tonight. This post is going to be linked up to the amazing Five Minute Friday community. We gather each week to write for Five Minutes on the topic of the week. If you would like to learn more about Five Minute Friday you can here, Home - Five Minute Friday.



  1. We really have so little time
    to walk upon this Earth,
    and daily there resounds the chime
    of the clock begun at birth,
    so it's in care that we must choose
    how to spend our days,
    and I figure I can't lose
    by using them to praise
    the Lord my God in word and deed,
    and putting into action
    that compelling loving need
    to spread grace and compassion
    across the lands and seven seas
    to the best and least of these.

  2. God is very good isn't he? He shows us where our priorities should be for sure. FMF32 this week.


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