Five Minute Friday Nourish

“Why do you spend money for that which is not bread, And your earnings for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And let your soul delight in abundance.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭55:2‬ ‭AMP‬‬ 

                  Our body’s crave nourishment. If I let them my kids would fill up on chips, candy and ice cream. This kind of diet would not be good for them. They need nourishment. They need real food. They need proteins, complex carbohydrates, and fruits and vegetables. I told my Dad that my children are more open to try new foods with their Aunts, Uncles and cousins eating with them. Nourishment is often found in community, when we gather around a table.  This reminds me of my need for spiritual nourishment. Am I looking for things that do not satisfy? Or am I looking to my Heavenly Father and His word and talking to Him through prayer? On days that I am feeling run down, am I running to Him or filling up on junk. May I remember to come to God’s table. 

Come to the Table by Sidewalk Prophets


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