Day 31 Morning

“And when I think about that prodigal son,
I've got to smile when I see the old man run.
And I know that You love us the same,
'Cause the sun came up today;” -Andrew Peterson.  I am so thankful that God’s mercies are new every morning. In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus. I need His grace every hour, every second. Mornings are so full of possibilities. I love the wide open no schedule required kind of mornings that I can ask my kids, what do they want to do, today? I love watching them laugh over the Sunday morning comics. I love the days that we can leisurely eat breakfast together. Autumn is the time of year for hot cocoa and cinnamon rolls and lots of laughter and morning snuggles. I am thankful for the opportunity to savor weekend mornings and that every morning doesn’t need to feel rushed. #31days2021


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