Living Differently Intentionally Day 3 Peace

          I often try to find peace in the wrong places. Peace is found in the person of Jesus. I know this, but when I am scared or anxious, I forget this truth. I want to fix it, or I want to distract myself so I don’t deal with the emotions I am feeling. It doesn’t work anyway my emotions end up coming out in random ways. It is better when I remember to take my hurts to the prince of Peace. Confessing my hurts to Jesus, and trusting him to bind up broken places is what I need. May I remember to run to Him when I long for peace.


  1. Oh yes! That is such a good reminder, to bring our hurts to Jesus. I love John 14:27 that says, "Peace I leave with you. My peace I give you..."

    1. Yes, I love this promise from the gospel of John. Thank you for sharing this encouraging verse!


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