Day 6 Wholeness

          I desire wholeness in my life. At times, life feels so broken. I feel so broken. I wish I could wave a magic wand and restore all the broken things making them beautiful. I need to remember that I am not the Potter. I do not see the full picture, nor do I know the Master Plan. In fact, I know that there are things that had they been restored they way I wished they would have still been functionally broken. These things would have been made to look prettier, but the things still would have been irreparably in pieces. I need true wholeness from God not a bad aid fix. I want to close with these words from a song by Natalie Grant.

“Help me want the Healer More than the healing
Help me want the Savior
More than the saving
Help me want the Giver
More than the giving
Oh, help me want You, Jesus
More than anything”


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