Living Intentionally During Storms (Help I’m Drowning book review)

        I tend to panic during storms. Whether it be the sound of thunder echoing around me while I am trying to sleep, or times of crisis, my first go to response to storms is to panic. It takes intention to not panic in the middle of the storm. This intention comes from knowing, applying and standing firm on God’s word in the calm or the stormy days. This is just one of the truths described in @SallyClarkson’s new book Help, I’m Drowning.This inspiring read gives encouragement to those that are going through storms.

           It is easy to believe during a difficult season that we are alone. Sally shared that we are not alone. God is with us, and he created us to live in community with others who have also experienced seasons of grief. This reminds me of the Need To Breathe song “Brother.” God created us to walk together and to be an instrument of grace in each other’s lives. I would recommend Help I’m Drowning to anyone who is going through the storms of life. 

*I received a free digital copy of this book. All opinions are my own. #helpimdrowning #hopewriterlife


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