10 things I learned this Summer (Summer 2021 Quarterly Report

  •  Life is precious.
             In the past three months I said goodbye to my Aunt, my mom’s best friend who was like family to me. One of my best friends from high school also lost her husband to a heart attack. This season is teaching me that life is precious, and not to wait on showing dear ones that I love them.

  • I miss the messes when my children are not home.
          When my children are home, I feel like I spend much of my time cleaning up messes, but boy did I miss those messes when they were at their Dad’s house this Summer. It is important to remember this on the chaotic, messy days. Mess is a part of a well lived life and that is a beautiful gift.

  • It is hard to see my kids have needs that I am not able to physically meet.
                One of the times I was talking to my youngest on the phone while she was at her Dad’s she was hungry. I so wished I could make her favorite dinner. There are so many times during the five weeks that they are at their Dad’s that I wish I could take care of them whether it was to give them a hug or fix them dinner. It reminds me to treasure my time with them.
  • I need to be careful what I say yes to.
            I want to be nice so I sometimes agree to things that if I thought through I wouldn’t agree too. I need to carefully consider my answer of yes, because it is harder to back out of something I agreed too. I need to remember that saying no is sometimes the kindest answer to myself.

  • Trying on clothes is important.
          I learned this Summer that I need to try clothes on my children. One of my children specifically will tell me the wrong size unless I make this child try on clothes. After some stress with back to school shopping, I will try to remember this from now on.

  • I like meal planning more than I thought.
             My Dad encouraged me to try meal planning as a part of preparing for the new school year. I didn’t expect that I would like it, but I do. Having a plan leaves me one less thing to stress about on busy days. I am glad that my Dad suggested it.

  • I missed in person church more than I realized.
           With my children returning to “in-person” school, we also started attending church in person again. My first Sunday, I realized how good it felt to be back with brothers and sisters in Christ.

  • I received confirmation that I made the right decision in the middle of a difficult season.
           Three and a half years ago, I made a difficult decision to uproot my children and make a fresh start by moving back home to Florida. I was reminded recently that this was the best decision for my children and me. Some seasons are hard, but I am thankful that God is faithful in all seasons.

What did you learn this Summer?


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