I want to be a praying Mom (book review)

            “A praying mom parents with prayer.” This idea from Brooke McGothlin’s latest book really appeals to me. I have found it difficult to live this out. This is the reason I was so excited to be a part of the prayer team for the book Praying Mom. Brooke describes seven challenges to being a praying parent, Brooke points out that the Bible doesn’t just direct us to pray, but several verses describe that the attitude of a thankful heart is to pray thanking God for all the many blessings in our lives. Brooke tackles the elephant in the room, discussing disappointment that we feel when our prayers are not answered the way we hope. Jesus called the blind man Bartimaeus closer, and He calls us closer as well. Especially when we feel disappointed by circumstances in our lives. Brooke shares, “His promise to do what is best for us is tied inextricably to what is best for ushering in Hs kingdom.” I love one of the scriptural prayers Brooke described from Mark 9. “Jesus I believe; help my unbelief.”

          Brooke answers the question, “why should we pray scripture?” Jesus prayed scripture on the cross. If Jesus used scripture to share his heart with God, we can too. Pastor Mike Mitchner states, “Prayer is the number one way you develop your relationship with God.” Prayer is a reordering of loves. Prayer takes our eyes off of our circumstances and put them on God. Prayer anchors to the God of the Universe. This truth amazes me. We have a lifeline to our amazing Heavenly Father. Prayer is about submitting to God’s will and desiring God’s kingdom not our kingdom.

          I have believed the lie that I cannot pray until I get my life together. Brooke talked about what is really needed to come to God in prayer. We need to remember that each of us is a sinner in need of a savior. We need to believe that without God we could do nothing. We cannot face the day without Him. We need to lay aside our pride and ask God for the needs that are on our hearts. Brooke wraps up the book by sharing practical tips about prayer, and an extensive section of scriptures and prayers that will help you get started on praying scripture back to God. Some of the topics described in the praying scripture section are strength, hope, joy, peace, dealing with anger, fear, tiredness and sadness. I would recommend Praying Mom to any mom who longs for prayer to be an important part of their days and their lives.

*I was given a free copy of Praying Mom as a part of being on the prayer team for this book. All opinions are my own.


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