Five Minute Friday From

From pretending everything was okay, to making the changes needed..

From being afraid to share what was going on, to wanting to share my story in hopes of helping others.

From people pleasing to trying live my life for an audience of One

From twisting myself into a pretzel to accommodate others to realizing that it is healthy to express my needs sometimes too.

From feeling trapped and isolated to using my freedom to love others.

From being overwhelmed by decisions to learning to take the next right step in love.

From over-apologizing to owning the things that I am responsible for and not taking responsibilities for the opinions, attitudes and actions of others.

From living distractedly to being a more present mom.

From reacting from fear to leading with love.

From enumerating worries to counting every blessing.  

From being paralyzed by fear to stepping out in faith



  1. Thank you for sharing your struggles.

  2. Love your list of froms. Sounds like you've come a long way, and have some great testimonies to share.

  3. Loved this! So much of it resonates with me. Especially "From being afraid to share what was going on, to wanting to share my story in hopes of helping others". Thanks for sharing.


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