Five Minute Friday Summer

           When I read that the Five Minute Friday prompt this week was the word “Summer”, my first thought was the sound of Josh Gad in his role as the character Olaf in the movie Frozen singing the words “In Summer!” When I think of Summer, I think of watching my children ride scooters down the hills in our neighborhood. I think of the days being longer and that my children enjoy being outside in the early evenings because the middle of the day in Florida is so hot. I think of cool refreshing snacks such as watermelon, popsicles and ice cream. I was talking to my daughter on the phone the other day, and she chided me for bringing up the subject of school supplies because it was interfering with her Summer vibes. There will be plenty of time to talk about school shopping in August.  My children are spending some quality time with their Dad right now, but I look forward to making fun Summer memories when they come home in a couple of weeks. What are your favorite things to do in the Summer?


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